This window may not appear for faster computers. The window will close automatically when the spreadsheet has been successfully signed.

When the “Request for Permission to Use a Key” window appears, click the radio button next to “Grant permission” and click the “OK” button.

The operating system will confirm your choice to sign the spreadsheet.Your name should now show next to “Signing as:”.In the “Windows Security” window, click on your name and click the “OK” button.Make sure your name is shown next to “Signing as:”.In the “Sign” window, put a brief reason for signing the spreadsheet in the “Purpose for signing this document:” text box.The displayed window will appear each time the digital certificate/signature services in Microsoft Excel are used.In the pulldown menu, click “Add a Digital Signature”.In the “Permissions” pane, click the down triangle in the “Protect Workbook” button.Under the “File” tab, click the “Info” button.Make all desired changes to the spreadsheet and save it, then click the “File” tab in the upper-left-hand corner of the spreadsheet.Finalize an Excel spreadsheet using the following steps: Thereafter, any changes to the spreadsheet will invalidate the signature. When all changes have been incorporated into a spreadsheet, it can be marked as finalized by signing it with a digital certificate. This page is available as a printer-friendly PDF document. Knowledge is power - if you don't know what's available you can miss an opportunity or spend hours trying to jury-rig a solution by cobbling together other functions.Finalizing an Excel spreadsheet - text only You can't add these to any favourites list but you can make your own "Check these out" list Similarly, open the Function Wizard window and check out the functions available (made easier bc you can do so by category). If so, add it to your QAT and try it out.Ģ. open the Customize Quick Access Toolbar window and just scroll through the list of commands available (Note: some are only available thru customisation as they are not on the inbuilt menu!) and see what each tool does and whether it may be useful to you. I'm from the same era: Learned 123 in 1984/85 from a 5.25" floppy tutorial, & Multiplan, then progressed thru Symphony, Supercalc, back to 123, and then Excel 4 & 5 in 1995 - and have never looked back! That's the beauty and ugliness of Excel - there are more tools & features than you can ever learn or know about!